Teamwork is known as an essential element in an organization. This is because different individuals have a unique set of skills and ideas. When combined, these ideas can be implemented in a business to achieve success. A few of the companies that found success through teamwork include Ford, Dell, PepsiCo, and Target (Motavalli, 2016). 

Generates more ideas

The "Z Process" is a model that shows the benefits of teamwork (Nishiyama, 2021). It shows that different employees will have different specializations which they bring to the table. When these specialties are combined, there will be more than one idea and everyone could communicate and pitch in different opinions and strategies. When diverse views are considered and filtered, companies could come up with many successful innovative concepts.

Figure 1 - Roles of a Team in an organization

Source - KnowledgeWokX, 2013

Boosts employee motivation and retention

Even though some prefer to work alone, most people like to work as a team. This is because a team works together and therefore employees could help each other. If one of the teammates is unwell, the others will be able to share the responsibilities and complete a project. This provides a sense of security and relief to employees making the working environment friendlier and healthier (Saines, 2010). The communication skills and engagement of the employees will also improve and retention will increase (Lawrence, 2021).

Encourages Risks

If an individual has to take a risk at work, there is a higher possibility that the employee will not take the risk as it will negatively impact the employee if it fails. However, when a team is involved, the employees could take more risks as it is a team effort. Even if the decision has failed, they could come up with different solutions to do better the next time. But in most cases, these risks become successful as many opinions are considered before taking the risk (Chappel, 2007). 

Transparency in decision making

Teamwork will also provide transparency when making decisions as one individual cannot decide solely based on their opinion (Kapur, 2021). All the opinions must be considered and reasons have to be provided before taking a decision. Therefore, team members can come up with more productive decisions for the company. 


Finally, it can be seen that there are many benefits that an organization can gain through teamwork. No matter the size of an organization, teamwork will be beneficial for a company in the long run. Teamwork can raise learning attributes, morale, retention, expertise, creativity, productivity, efficiency, planning, communication, and engagement to name a few.


Chappel, C., 2007. The benefits of teamwork and strength through diversity. Neurourology and Urodynamics - NEUROUROL URODYNAM, Volume 26.

Kapur, R., 2021. Promoting Teamwork: Indispensable in Leading to Success of the Individuals and Organizations. 01 August.

KnowledgeWokX, 2013. KnowledgeWokX. [Online] 

Available at:

[Accessed 18 November 2021].

Lawrence, B., 2021. Teamwork Makes the Dream Work. African Studies Review, Volume 64, pp. 493-497.

Motavalli, J., 2016. 5 Inspiring Companies That Rely on Teamwork to Be Successful. SUCCESS, 16 February. 

Nishiyama, Y., 2021. Z-Process Method for Change Point Problems. 21 Ocober.pp. 197-208.

Saines, R., 2010. Benefits of teamwork. Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987), Volume 24, pp. 3-62.


  1. Having a great team in an organisation helps retain loyal employees within the organisation. This ultimately help enhance the organisational performance as well. A wonderful article. Thank you for sharing this.

  2. Having a great team is fortunate to a leader to enhance the challenges of the the company, individual commitment to a group effort that is what make great team.

  3. Teamwork is generally considered as the willingness of a group of people to work together to achieve a common aim. Teams play a major role in our lives. Working in groups is probably an inevitable life experience.

  4. A team can be identified as a group of people who perform interdependent tasks to work toward accomplishing a common mission or specific objective. Having a great in the organizations may include helping your teams to stay happy and work better together, and improving company culture. Very effective article intern of driving a set of group of people to achieve common objective.

  5. Teamwork enables you to accomplish tasks faster and more efficiently than tackling projects individually. Teamwork is important in an organization because it provides employees with an opportunity to bond with one another, which improves relations among them.

  6. Team work is very essential I'm any organisation. The essay explains its simply. In the world we live today there are very few items that can be accomplished alone but if you want to make a change and see the world change around you tram work is the best option

  7. As a human we can’t live individually. People are like to join a team always not only work place as well as social. Effective teams can boost employee productivity. Well written article

  8. Working together as a team increases the productivity of an employee rather than working alone in an organization.
    It also increases efficiency by creating competition between teams.


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