What is Training and development?

Figure 1: Training and development cycle
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Training and Development is the development of the skills and knowledge of the employees which is required for completing the job successfully (Brewster et al., 2007). The employees are provided with information related to the job responsibilities and how to perform them more productively. Training is short term while development is long term. The organisation is focused on developing the present skills which are needed for completing their tasks. In development, the whole personality of the employee is developed. The future needs of the employee are considered in the development (Crittenden & Crittenden, 2008). A systematic approach should be developed by the organisation for effective training and development.  

Figure 2- Systematic approach for Training and Development

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Pros and Cons of Training and Development 

The work efficiency can be improved through the training and development and also the productivity at the organisation (Leopold et al., 2004). The employees can be motivated through training and development while it conveys the employee the need to do better in their jobs. The career growth of an employee depends on the training and development of them. It has become a integral part of human and resource development in organisations as the competitive advantage can be gained through the skilled workforce. The commitment of the organisation for developing the employees are appreciated by the employees (Mosenkis, 2002).

However, training and development can be a waste of time and money if the employees move to another organisation. Also, it can result in increased stress as they have to invest more time for training. Some trainings include theory which are not practically applicable. Hence, training and development should be planned well for it to be effective. 

Training and Development Challenges and Initiatives 

With the increased competition in the world, the organisations are using different strategies to build competitive advantage. With the constant changes in the technology, the training and development has become a mandatory function for the organisations. Companies like Microsoft, Google have been reskilling and upskilling with the pandemic faced in last year, as the organisations believe that the growth of the business can be accelerated through it. Continuous training and development programs have been introduced by the organisations in global context so that the employees will be advanced with their skills (Laroche and Rutherford, 2007).

In Sri Lanka, different strategies are being used by the organisations to train and develop employees. The demand for the career development service providers have been increased. In the apparel sectors, the training and development is considered as the main tool of competitive advantage. The companies like Brandix, Mas and Hirdramani, have started to provide their employees with on-the-job training to improve their skills and constant development programs are carried out (Chatman and Flynn, 2001).


The current business world has become highly competitive. Most of the organisations view human resource as the main tool to gain the competitive advantage. Training is important for employees to build their skills which are needed to complete their current job role while development is concerned on the long-term improvement of the employees. The training and development of the employees motivates the employees while it provides competitive advantage for the organisation (Schuler et al., 2002). 


Brewster C., Sparrow P., and Vernon G. (2007). International Human Resource Management, London.

Chatman, J. and Flynn, F. (2001), The influence of demographic heterogeneity on the emergence and consequences of cooperative norms in work teams. Academy of Management Journal, 44(5) 

Crittenden, V. L., & Crittenden, W. F. (2008). Building a capable organization: The eight levers of strategy implementation. Business Horizons, 51, 301-309. 

Laroche L., and Rutherford D. (2007). Recruiting, Retaining, and Promoting Culturally Different Employees, Burlington.

Leopold J., Harris L., and Watson T. (2004). The Strategic Managing of Human Resource, New Jersey.

Mosenkis, S. (2002). Coping with change in the workplace. Information Outlook, 6(10): 6-10

Schuler S. R., Budhwar S. P., and Flakowski G. P. (2002): "International Human Resource Management: Review and Critique", International Journal of Management Reviews 1/2002, 41-70


  1. Training and development refers to educational activities within a company created to enhance the knowledge and skills of employees while providing information and instruction on how to better perform specific tasks.

  2. Training should always be a continuous effort in an organization for the performance growth of employees, regardless of whether the individual is a senior staff member or a new hire. This will also enable businesses to cross-train and leverage their human resources in a variety of different procedures, lowering the cost of employing new employees to work on the project. It was a fascinating read.

  3. Training and development leads to enhance the performance of the employees and the organizations. It can be in different ways. Organizations have to find some strategies when implementing activities based on learning and development

  4. Training and development makes employees more productive and effective. It is actively and intimately related to all the personnel or managerial activities. It is an integral part of the whole management program with all its many activities functionally inter-related.


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