At present, businesses are facing numerous challenges. For instance, the earnings of the Sri Lankan apparel industry fell by 21% in 2020 as exports and imports were banned due to pandemics (Udayanga, 2021). It will be beneficial to the company to have a skilled set of workers to boost the manufacturing, sakes, and marketing processors once the operations commence again. This will increase the productivity of the company and help to increase its profits again.

What are the benefits of a skilled workforce?

Apart from increasing productivity, there are many other benefits of a skilled workforce. When the employees are skilled, they will know to complete the tasks in less time and to come up with creative innovative ideas for issues that the company faces (Hiermann, et al ., 2005). It will also save costs as the unskilled labor force takes more time and make more mistakes than a skilled employee. Even if the company has to pay a larger salary for a skilled employee, it is usually less than the costs the company has to bear if an unskilled individual makes mistakes (Richter, et al., 2007). A skilled workforce will also improve the environment in the workplace as they do not have to struggle to do their work. 


Figure 1 - Levels of Employees in an organization

Source – Author’s Work

How do you create a skilled workforce?

To create a skilled workforce for your business, you could hire workers with the right skills (Saberwal, 2009). For example, if a garment worker in the apparel industry cannot cut or sew a cloth, it will increase the company's costs until the worker gets used to the task. If the worker makes mistakes, they will need to use extra materials and take extra time. Another method to acquire a skilled workforce is to provide regular training and development sessions (Llewellyn, et al., 2010). This will not only improve the skills of the employees but also will increase their motivation and their interest in the job. 

How do you identify employees with high potential?

One of the common characteristics is that they are good at their job. Apart from that, these employees like leadership opportunities and to take initiative (Farkašová, et al., 2015). They also contribute to the positivity of the workplace and help other co-workers to grow (Grossman, 2012). 

To conclude, the value of highly skilled employees is impeccable. If the business identifies and promotes these types of employees, it will not only increase productivity and growth but also help to stabilize the company in long run. This is also a competitive advantage for a business as a lot of businesses lack highly skilled workers.


Agnihotri, N. & Llewellyn, J., 2010. Excellence in Skills & Workforce Development. Nuclear plant journal, Volume 28.

Grossman, R. J., 2012. The care and feeding of high-potential employees. Human Resource Management International Digest, Volume 20.

Hiermann, W. & Höfferer, M., 2005. Skill Management: Searching Highly Skilled Employees for Teambuilding and Project Management Tasks. 

Rebeťák, M. & Farkašová, V., 2015. Managing High – Potential Employees. Procedia Economics and Finance, Volume 23, pp. 867-871.

Richter, Y., Naveh, Y., Gresh, D. & Connors, D., 2007. Optimatch: Applying Constraint Programming to Workforce Management of Highly-skilled Employees. International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, Volume 3, pp. 1-6.

Saberwal, G., 2009. Seeding a skilled workforce. Nature Biotechnology, Volume 27.

Udayanga, T., 2021. COVID-19 and Sri Lanka’s External Sector: Challenges and Policy Choices. [Online] 

Available at:

[Accessed 08 November 2021].


  1. Expertise to deliver a job well done and keep customers satisfied, sustain the business Improved Profitability, Stronger Growth which help to increase the profitability. Interesting article which is very important in the current context.

  2. Having skills workforce is the expectation of the organization to produce better result and to survive in the competitive market. But organizations have to understand that it is the responsibility of the organization to Make their ordinary employees into skills workers through motivation, training, learning and development.

  3. It is a very much important matter to value employees who thrive for the organization under any condition. That will highly motivate them and they will tend to work more

  4. If an organisation has highly skilled employees, it is easy for an organisation to achieve it’s organisational objectives in an effective manner. Highly skilled employees are always an asset to an organisation and the employers should take necessary action in order to retain these employees through employee satisfaction and motivation. A very interesting article.

  5. A highly skilled worker is anyone with high qualifications that rare to find and difficult to obtain and very much in demand, some times they can multy task .. research cited by global consutants Mckancy& Co shows that high - performing workers around eight times 0r 400% productive than average once.

  6. Skilled workers are an asset for any business as they play a large role in developing a business’s reputation and ongoing success.

  7. The sucess of any company is held with its skillfull workers. They are the pillars of the company and the company should take extra care om them and make sure they are continuing their good job.

  8. Retention of high skilled employees is very important, because we can’t replace them very soon. In your article you have explained that very well.

  9. Highly skilled staff is resources in company.ThThemselves are very important for us

  10. Recruit an organization Reduces the cost of the organization by properly training employees or recruiting a trained workforce.


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